Tag Archive for: fitness

September Newsletter

Fall in love with moving!

Aloha Dance and Pilates Addict,

What a year we have had so far!  Through the good, the bad, and the ugly Upside-Down Dance and Pilates preservers.  All of us here appreciate the resolve and support so many of you have provided for us.  Let’s finish out 2011 on a happy note and move into 2012 full speed ahead.

On that happy note- Audrey had her baby!  After holding down the fort here through April, May, and June she delivered an 8lb 7.2 oz 21.5 inch baby boy named Koh on August 8th!  I know we are all looking forward to his light and joy brightening up the studio.Upside-Down Dance is back in action!    Our show will run November 17th, 18th, 19h, 20th, 23rd, 25th, 26th, and 27th at the ARTS at Marks Garage.  The show will highlight Honolulu’s most amazing dancers- Malia Yamamoto, Nicole Young, and Adealani Gerkewicz  (all Upside-Down Pilates teachers as well) along with Shannon Yamamoto and Marisol Garcia.  These five ladies are going to simply rock the house down.  Tickets will be available soon. More info to come in the following weeks.

Below are classes starting in September.  If you have not registered you’d better get to it.  They are filling up fast!

I hope to see you in the studio soon.  Thanks again for all of your love and support during this difficult time.  Each one of you has helped me to keep going!

Lisa Orig


Audrey and Koh!

Six week series starting the week of Sept 11th, 2011!Louanne Handstrand

New StudentsSunday Groundwork I with Adealani
Date: Sun 9/11/2011 – 10/16/2011
Time: 9:00 AM – 9:55 AM
This is an introductory six week course teaching you the fundamentals of breath, spinal articulation, creating a joint at the hip, creating a neuromuscular efficient shoulder, and creating a three dimensional “center” of support. In addition, each week you will learn a piece of functional anatomy. This course parallels our six DVD series. In this course you will learn the exercises on the DVD”s with attention from a teacher! Prerequisite: None! Please note there are no refunds or makeup’s for missed classes. Registration begins 60 days prior to start date! Min 4 Max 6 This class is suggested to be repeated several times! $108.

Sunday Reformer I with Jill
Date: Sun 9/11/2011 – 10/16/2011
Time: 2:00 PM – 2:55 PM
This is an introductory six week course that will get you acquainted with the Pilates Equipment. We will learn how to use our equipment independently as well as some foundational exercises such as foot work, posture series, side twist, mermaid, hip rolls, and monkey stretch which will challenge your strength, flexibility, and endurance. Prerequisite: None! We suggest the introductory solo lesson package in conjunction with registering for this class. Minimum 2 students maximum 4 students. Registration begins 60 days prior to start date and closes one week prior to start date or until it fills. Please note there are no refunds or makeups for missed classes. This class is suggested to be repeated several times! $180.

Tuesday Cadillac I with Nicole
Date: Tue 9/13/2011 – 10/18/2011
Time: 4:30 PM – 5:25 PM
This is an introductory six week course that will get you acquainted with the Pilates Equipment. We will learn how to use our equipment independently as well as some foundational exercises such as bend and stretch, posture series, side twist, mermaid, hip rolls, and monkey stretch which will challenge your strength, flexibility, and endurance. Prerequisite: None! We suggest the introductory solo lesson package in conjunction with registering for this class. Minimum 2 students maximum 4 students. Registration begins 60 days prior to start date and closes one week prior to start date or until it fills. Please note there are no refunds or makeups for missed classes. This class is suggested to be repeated several times! $180.

Tuesday Balance Ball I/II with Nicole
Date: Tue 9/13/2011 – 10/18/2011
Time: 6:30 PM – 7:25 PM
This is a beginning/intermediate group class open to strong students! This class will challenge all of your body’s stabilizing muscles and give you a full body workout using the Balance Ball! No injuries or special conditions please. Prerequisite: None! Please note there are no refunds or makeup’s for missed classes. Registration begins 60 days prior to start date! Min 4 Max 6 This class is suggested to be repeated several times! $108.

Thursday Reformer I with Audrey
Date: Thu 9/15/2011 – 10/20/2011
Time: 5:30 PM – 6:25 PM
This is an introductory six week course that will get you acquainted with the Pilates Equipment. We will learn how to use our equipment independently as well as some foundational exercises such as foot work, posture series, side twist, mermaid, hip rolls, and monkey stretch which will challenge your strength, flexibility, and endurance. Prerequisite: None! We suggest the introductory solo lesson package in conjunction with registering for this class. Minimum 2 students maximum 4 students. Registration begins 60 days prior to start date and closes one week prior to start date or until it fills. Please note there are no refunds or makeups for missed classes. This class is suggested to be repeated several times! $180.

Friday Chair I with Nicole
Date: Fri 9/16/2011 – 10/21/2011
Time: 1:00 PM – 1:55 PM
This is an introductory six week course that will get you acquainted with the Pilates Equipment. We will learn how to use our equipment independently as well as challenge your strength, flexibility, and endurance. Prerequisite: None! We suggest the introductory solo lesson package in conjunction with registering for this class. Minimum 2 students maximum 4 students. Registration begins 60 days prior to start date and closes one week prior to start date or until it fills. Please note there are no refunds or makeups for missed classes. This class is suggested to be repeated several times! $180.

Continuing Students

Monday Cadillac II/III with Audrey
Date: Mon 9/12/2011 – 10/17/2011
Time: 4:30 PM – 5:25 PM
Continuing from Equipment Work II we incorporate intermediate level exercises into our repertoire. Prerequisite: Equipment work II and attending class. Minimum 2 students maximum 4 students. Registration begins 60 days prior to start and closes one week prior to start date or until it fills. Please note there are no refunds or makeups for missed classes. This class is suggested to be repeated several times! $180.
Please NOTE! No Class July 4th, 2011.

Monday Chair III/IV with Lisa
Date: Mon 9/12/2011 – 10/17/2011
Time: 5:30 PM – 6:25 PM
Advanced Equipment Work Level III/IV moves from the intermediate exercises into true advanced Pilates exercises. This class is for the Pilates junkie. Prerequisite: Attending class at Upside-Down Pilates 2-3 times per week with at least one solo lesson is required. No injuries please! No fear and no excuses allowed. Minimum 3 students maximum 4 students. Registration begins 60 days prior to start and closes one week prior to start or until it fills. Please note there are no refunds or makeups for missed classes. $180.

Monday Chair II/III with Lisa
Date: Mon 9/12/2011 – 10/17/2011
Time: 6:30 PM – 7:25 PM
Continuing from Equipment Work II we incorporate intermediate level exercises into our repertoire. Prerequisite: Equipment work II and attending class. Minimum 2 students maximum 4 students. Registration begins 60 days prior to start and closes one week prior to start date or until it fills. Please note there are no refunds or makeups for missed classes. This class is suggested to be repeated several times! $180.
Please NOTE! No Class Monday October 31, 2011.

Tuesday Cadillac III with Nicole
Date: Tue 9/13/2011 – 10/18/2011
Time: 5:30 PM – 6:25 PM
This is an equipment based continuing level class. We will challenge our Pilates fundamentals, while increasing our strength, flexibility, endurance, and coordination. Prerequisite: Equipment work II attending lessons twice per week. Please note there are no refunds or makeup’s for missed classes. Registration begins 60 days prior to start date! Min 3 Max 4. This class is suggested to be repeated several times!

Wednesday Reformer III with Lisa
Date: Wed 9/14/2011 – 10/19/2011
Time: 4:30 PM – 5:25 PM
This is an equipment based continuing level class. We will challenge our Pilates fundamentals, while increasing our strength, flexibility, endurance, and coordination. Prerequisite: Equipment work II attending lessons twice per week. Please note there are no refunds or makeup’s for missed classes. Registration begins 60 days prior to start date! Min 3 Max 4. This class is suggested to be repeated several times!

Thursday Cadillac II/III with Adealani
Date: Thu 9/15/2011 – 10/20/2011
Time: 10:00 AM – 10:55 AM
Continuing from Equipment Work II we incorporate intermediate level exercises into our repertoire. Prerequisite: Equipment work II and attending class twice per week. Minimum 2 students maximum 4 students. Registration begins 60 days prior to start and closes one week prior to start date or until it fills. Please note there are no refunds or makeups for missed classes. This class is suggested to be repeated several times! $180.

Thursday Groundwork II/III with Audrey
Date: Thu 9/15/2011 – 10/20/2011
Time: 6:30 PM – 7:25 PM
This class continues from Groundwork I & II. In this six week series, we will learn how to stabilize our scapulae, increase our abdominal strength with proper head and cervical spine placement, and look at our knee, our elbow, our ankle, and our wrist. Completion of Groundwork I or instructor approval is required. We also recommend beginning in solo lessons in conjunction with this course. Please note there are no refunds or makeups for missed classes. Registration begins 60 days prior to start date! Min 4 Max 6. This class is suggested to be repeated several times! $108.
Please NOTE! No Class November 24, 2011.

Saturday Groundwork III/IV with Lisa
Date: Sat 9/17/2011 – 10/22/2011
Time: 8:00 AM – 8:55 AM
This advanced groundwork class travels from the intermediate level exercises into the advanced level. We will explore exercises such as the teaser, boomerang, rocking, and push up in arabesque! Prerequisite: Groundwork III or equivalent. Attending class 2-3 time per week. Registration begins 60 days prior to start and closes one week prior to start date or until it fills. Please note there are no refunds or makeups for missed classes. This class is suggested to be repeated several times! $108.

Saturday Cadillac II/III with Lisa
Date: Sat 9/17/2011 – 10/22/2011
Time: 10:00 AM – 10:55 AM
Continuing from Equipment Work II we incorporate intermediate level exercises into our repertoire. Prerequisite: Equipment work II and attending class. Minimum 2 students maximum 4 students. Registration begins 60 days prior to start and closes one week prior to start date or until it fills. Please note there are no refunds or makeups for missed classes. This class is suggested to be repeated several times! $180.

Upside-Down Pilates TV Show – Lesson 61 – Part 1 of 4

Upside-Down Pilates – Lesson 61 – Part 1 of 4

UDP Lesson 61_1of4 optimized for iPhone

Upside-Down Pilates – Lesson 61 – Part 1 of 4