What is your goal for 2016?

First level I group class free in Jan! What is your goal? New group classes start Jan 4, 2016!  Neuromuscular Re-education Teacher Training Starts Jan 11, 2016!

** What is your goal for 2016?
Above you see the spectacular Patty Doo.  Can you guess how old she is? 65!   This is the photograph she used as the cover of her 65th birthday invitation.  No, she is not a retired professional dancer or gymnast.  She sells advertising!  Patty has been a student of ours since 2012.  Her hard work and dedication has paid off over the past 3 years.  We are so proud of her.  Yes, she started at age 62, and by age 65 was in fantastic shape able to hang upside-down on the Cadillac.  She regularly attends 2 solo lessons and one group class per week.  I hope Patty's amazing accomplishments inspire you to join us this year.  Whether it be to resolve a chronic issue of pain, get into shape, or take yourself to the next level of whatever physical disciple you partake in  we are here to lead you on your journey of health and happiness in 2016.
New 2016 Group Classe Options!
Aloha Pilates Addicts!

I am so excited to formally share with you our new group lessons options.  Group lessons will now be purchased as memberships just like solo lessons.  You will schedule each lesson individually.   We will continue to program our lessons in a six week series, but now you can attend classes on different days if needed!

Our classes are up to view on the member portal.  In the top middle of the calendar page click on all calendars to see everything offered beginning Jan 4, 2016. Classes are also listed below.

Our group class memberships will also be available for use as “Personal Practice" time.  “Personal Practice” is open to individuals who have completed a minimum of 27 solo lessons, have permission from the studio, have passed equipment safety usage test, and have a program designed by their teacher for personal practice. Personal practice is a time to come to the studio and practice your individual practice.  There will be a teacher present but not available to help you so you must be fully independent before moving into personal practice.  If you are interested in this option please contact your teacher far in advance of scheduling a time.  Your teacher will need to prepare during your solo’s for this option.

Our new packages are located in the “sign up” tab under the heading USDP Group Pilates/ Personal Practice.  Scroll down to the bottom as they are just above the events section of the member portal.

First Level I Group Lesson Free During January!
Please tell friends and family who are wanting to take it to the next level in January.  We are offering the first level I group class free.  These classes are not for individuals with special conditions or injuries,  Send your friend here to sign up!

If you have any questions please do not hesitate to contact us at info@upsidedownpilates.com (mailto:info@upsidedownpilates.com) .
** Register for your first Group Class of 2016!

Level I Groundwork Sundays at 11:30a (1/10/16 - 2/14/16)
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER (https://upside-downdanceandpilates.sites.zenplanner.com/loginSignup.cfm?appointmentId=7A8EF9D3-A8C4-42F4-AB51-E4114C0A7DB6&loginReturn=enrollment.cfm?appointmentId=7A8EF9D3-A8C4-42F4-AB51-E4114C0A7DB6)


** Level I Groundwork Wednesdays at 10:30a (1/6/16 - 2/10/16)
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER (https://upside-downdanceandpilates.sites.zenplanner.com/loginSignup.cfm?appointmentId=67E0162C-E8CA-4D31-9C21-7B3C2EB9E2DF&loginReturn=enrollment.cfm?appointmentId=67E0162C-E8CA-4D31-9C21-7B3C2EB9E2DF)

Level I Reformer Wednesdays at 6:30p (1/6/16 - 2/10/16)
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER (https://upside-downdanceandpilates.sites.zenplanner.com/loginSignup.cfm?appointmentId=BB4A1DB2-4CF7-4189-8468-D811DFEB76E6&loginReturn=enrollment.cfm?appointmentId=BB4A1DB2-4CF7-4189-8468-D811DFEB76E6)

Level I Cadillac Saturdays at 10:30a (1/9/16 - 2/13/16)
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER (https://upside-downdanceandpilates.sites.zenplanner.com/loginSignup.cfm?appointmentId=B4A563A0-0B36-4608-BB9A-C04144CC15D4&loginReturn=enrollment.cfm?appointmentId=B4A563A0-0B36-4608-BB9A-C04144CC15D4)


** Level II Reformer Sundays at 1:30p (1/10/16 - 2/14/16)
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER (https://upside-downdanceandpilates.sites.zenplanner.com/loginSignup.cfm?appointmentId=10D5A6EA-DAFC-4332-AC73-29D05054C0B8&loginReturn=enrollment.cfm?appointmentId=10D5A6EA-DAFC-4332-AC73-29D05054C0B8)


** Level II Reformer Mondays at 4:30p (1/4/16 - 2/8/16)
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER (https://upside-downdanceandpilates.sites.zenplanner.com/loginSignup.cfm?appointmentId=74075296-6935-4142-99FB-81D31BBAE3AC&loginReturn=enrollment.cfm?appointmentId=74075296-6935-4142-99FB-81D31BBAE3AC)

** Level II Chair Mondays at 6:30p (1/4/16 - 2/8/16)
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER (https://upside-downdanceandpilates.sites.zenplanner.com/loginSignup.cfm?appointmentId=5425E8C4-1FD5-40F6-8D90-AF76BEA85360&loginReturn=enrollment.cfm?appointmentId=5425E8C4-1FD5-40F6-8D90-AF76BEA85360)


** Level II Balance Ball Tuesdays at 7:30a (1/5/16 - 2/9/16)
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER (https://upside-downdanceandpilates.sites.zenplanner.com/loginSignup.cfm?appointmentId=7B908D0A-89C8-44A2-9C0B-1E4B8A556395&loginReturn=enrollment.cfm?appointmentId=7B908D0A-89C8-44A2-9C0B-1E4B8A556395)

Level II Cadillac Tuesdays at 5:30p (1/5/16 - 2/9/16)
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER (https://upside-downdanceandpilates.sites.zenplanner.com/loginSignup.cfm?appointmentId=627FE03D-480A-4EDA-B62E-DA25B154C810&loginReturn=enrollment.cfm?appointmentId=627FE03D-480A-4EDA-B62E-DA25B154C810)

** Level II PNF Reformer Thursdays at 7:30a (1/7/16 - 2/11/16)
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER (https://upside-downdanceandpilates.sites.zenplanner.com/loginSignup.cfm?appointmentId=F2799AAF-6FA7-42F1-8799-8D436E7855B3&loginReturn=enrollment.cfm?appointmentId=F2799AAF-6FA7-42F1-8799-8D436E7855B3)

** Level II Foam Roller Thursdays at 5:30p (1/7/16 - 2/11/16)
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER (https://upside-downdanceandpilates.sites.zenplanner.com/loginSignup.cfm?appointmentId=4FD19497-8EF9-44F1-8C66-772EF48F4D15&loginReturn=enrollment.cfm?appointmentId=4FD19497-8EF9-44F1-8C66-772EF48F4D15)

** Level II PNF Cadillac Saturdays at 9:30a (1/9/16 - 2/13/16)
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER (https://upside-downdanceandpilates.sites.zenplanner.com/loginSignup.cfm?appointmentId=55521BE6-CBDF-4CD8-BBAB-80434CB4D8FF&loginReturn=enrollment.cfm?appointmentId=55521BE6-CBDF-4CD8-BBAB-80434CB4D8FF)

** Level III PNF Groundwork Mondays at 5:30p (1/4/16 - 2/8/16)
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER (https://upside-downdanceandpilates.sites.zenplanner.com/loginSignup.cfm?appointmentId=4E700CDB-6A9E-4906-B89D-AC020EA513ED&loginReturn=enrollment.cfm?appointmentId=4E700CDB-6A9E-4906-B89D-AC020EA513ED)

** Level III PNF Reformer Wednesdays at 5:30p (1/6/16 - 2/10/16)
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER (https://upside-downdanceandpilates.sites.zenplanner.com/loginSignup.cfm?appointmentId=910E8A70-96F3-4794-B0F9-D81B1FEFE84A&loginReturn=enrollment.cfm?appointmentId=910E8A70-96F3-4794-B0F9-D81B1FEFE84A)

** Post Rehab Conditioning Groundwork Saturdays at 2:30p
(1/9/16 - 2/13/16)
CLICK HERE TO REGISTER (https://upside-downdanceandpilates.sites.zenplanner.com/loginSignup.cfm?appointmentId=ED615114-A7C2-4367-B727-1A10813CF4A4&loginReturn=enrollment.cfm?appointmentId=ED615114-A7C2-4367-B727-1A10813CF4A4)

** Applications being accepted for our

** Upside-Down Pilates Comprehensive Teacher Training Course

Online Module opens on January 11, 2016!
Live meetings:
February 21, 2016 - 1:30 PM to 5:30 PM
April 3, 2016 - 1:30 PM to 5:30 PM

The goal of the Neuromuscular Re-education Certification Course is to build health and enhance performance, particularly within the pillar of health: neuromuscular efficient movement.

The Neuromuscular Re-education Certification course is open to anyone with a desire or passion to help others and puts incredible clinical tools right in your hands — and the skills to use them. You’ll receive comprehensive training plus case management assistance on specific postural and movement assessments. You may build your reputation and business success upon what you learn in the Neuromuscular Re-education Certification Course. You can even take the Neuromuscular Re-education Certification Course just to work on your own health.

Easy online modules to adapt to your schedule!
Our upcoming course online module opens up on January 11, 2016 and can be registered for up until the first live meeting Sunday February 21, 2016. All online modules must be competed prior to the first live meeting.
Live meeting can be attended via google hangouts, so do not let distance stop you. Coming to the studio is the best option if possible though.  Doing live meeting privately is also an option.

$1000 flat fee
or $100 per month for 12 months Jan 2016-Dec 2016.

To apply for this course please email info@upsidedownpilates.com for an application.

Click Here for more information on our NEUROMUSCULAR RE-EDUCATION CERTIFICATION! (https://upside-downdanceandpilates.sites.zenplanner.com/event.cfm?eventId=6523468C-DD87-4A92-9677-D2E390E552C6)

Upside-Down Teacher Trainings are open to all wanting to learn how to teach Upside-Down Pilates or simply for their own health and well being.  Completion of USDPilates Neuromuscular Reeducation course,  Level I Groundwork, Reformer, Cadillac, Barrels, and Chair is recommended and is required for Full Level I Certification.  USDPilates Neuromuscular Reeducation course can be done simultaneously to other Level I courses.